Christian Private School in Rockport-Fulton, Tx
University Model: Tues.-Thurs. 8:30AM-3:30PM
215 N 3rd St. at Fulton Community Church
What grade levels are you accepting?
We are currently accepting students in grades K-12th. Check our home page for current availability.
When is the Enrollment Deadline?
The last day for student enrollment is Friday, March 1, 2025. There is a non-refundable enrollment fee of $150 which is also due on this date. This fee is PER STUDENT.
How much is tuition?
Monthly tuition is $300 and is due by the 7th of each month. If tuition is paid in full for the whole year, there will be a 5% discount off the total cost. (10 months). Tuition for the month of August will be $175.
What about curriculum?
There is a one-time curriculum fee of $400 per student to cover educational materials, including books. This fee is due by July 1st. Consider making payments over the summer if needed.
Does my child need to bring lunch?
Starting in the 24-25 school year, we are asking for parents to pack a lunch for your students. We will keep extra food in the kitchen should your child forget their lunch.
Can my child/children receive tuition assistance?
We cannot guarantee scholarships at this time, but we do have an application for you to apply for assistance, and we will review case by case. We are always seeking generous donors to help insure that EVERY student can receive a quality education. If you are in need of tuition assistance, contact us and we will send you an application.
Do you offer multi-student discounts?
No. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer multi-student discounts at this time.
What curriculum will you be using?
We will primarily be using Abeka, with some other supplemental courses at our discretion. Our school Principal oversees every teacher to be sure we are in alignment with the TEKS state requirements.
What is the weekly schedule?
Our current schedule is as follows: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays from 8:30AM-3:30PM
Who will the teachers be?
Although not all of our teachers are required to be state certified, we are screening our teachers to make sure they are passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of children. We are fully committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment. It is our desire for all of our teachers to have the necessary college degrees & life experience to match our expectations, and we are working diligently to make this a reality. If you are interested in a teaching position, please inquire about possible opportunities.
Where will the school & classes be located?
School will be held at Fulton Community Church in Fulton, TX. We currently have multiple classrooms located throughout the building.
Are there any opportunities for me to volunteer?
Absolutely!! We are always seeking volunteers. Volunteer Teacher Aides who commit to at least 6 hours a week will receive a 20% discount. Please see the "Get Involved" page for more information.